Camila Muñoz was born in 1988 in El Monte, Chile. She began her viola studies at the Chilean Orchestra Foundation and then at the Catholic University of Chile under Prof. Penelope Knuth. She served as principal viola with the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Chile. In 2015 completed her degree in Viola performance at the Hochschule für Music Frankfurt am Main under Prof. Ingrid Zur and in 2019 her postgraduate degree in Viola performance at the Dr.-Hoch Conservatory in the class of Hiltrud Hampe. In 2020 she finished her Master’s degree in “Historical Performance Practice” with the Prof. Petra Müllejans at the Hochschule für Musik Frankfurt am Main. Camila is now working on her Master’s thesis in instrumental pedagogy, which she studied at the Hochschule für Musik in Stuttgart under with the Prof. Stefan Fehlandt.
Currently, is member of the NPF orchester and substitutes with the Aachen Symphony Orchestra and the Frankfurt Opera. As an active chamber musician, participates regularly in orchestral projects and ensembles such as the Aachen Orchester, Frankfurt Museum Orchester, Bach Kollegium, Kammeroper Frankfurt and Capitol Orchester.

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